Lit by Jenna 24th June 2024
To My Gold Hearted Godmother 💛 Time has flew, it's been a year already! You should never of been taken in the first place, you had lots of love to give this world so I'll never understand why you were taken so soon. You were the light in everyones lives, pretty sure everyone here will agree. You changed so many lives with Uncle Shaun and that includes mine. When I found out you passed, the guilt kicked in, I should of been there to support you but life got away with me and I was bringing a child up solely on my own, which is no excuse I know, but I'd give anything to be able to just hug you one last time. I'm sorry I wasn't there. Kai knows all about you and I'll still be telling him our memories for years to come. You, Uncle Shaun and my Nana are the ones who MADE my childhood. If it wasn't for you guys I'd not have great memories so I just want to thank you for that. Sat here writing this with you held in my hand seems surreal, but I'm so glad I have part of you with me thanks to Uncle Shaun! I'll never forgot you for as long as I live. That heart of Gold impacted all of us and your very much missed. I hope you're watching over all of us to keep us in check haha. I love you forever and always. Love Jenna & Kai xxxxx
This candle went out on 8th July.